3Din30 Recap: Elevating Metal 3D Print Quality with Velo3D’s Height Mapper

3Din30 is Velo3D’s Youtube and LinkedIn Live channel featuring speakers from multiple links in the additive manufacturing supply chain. We discuss new topics about every 2 weeks. Each session lasts about 30 minutes.

Episode 34: Elevating Metal 3D Print Quality with Velo3D’s Height Mapper


Metal 3D printing requires precision, but how do we maintain consistency and reliability? In this on-demand 3Din30, we dive into Velo3D’s Height Mapper technology, part of Velo3D’s comprehensive metrology suite.

Velo3D’s Height Mapper technology represents an essential cornerstone in metal 3D printing metrology. Its real-time monitoring capabilities not only improve the efficiency and reliability of the printing process but also have profound financial implications in terms of ROI.

In this episode, we:

  • Delve into the nuances of ensuring impeccable print quality, especially the importance of maintaining the integrity of the powder bed in real time.
  • Unpack the challenges of the LPBF process and the quest for consistency amidst the complexities of metal powders.
  • Shine a spotlight on Velo3D’s Height Mapper technology, which harnesses advanced metrology to validate support strategy.

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